Despite being one of the largest airlines in the world, it has certain disadvantages which often pop up as complaints by certain people. Not all are satisfied with an American Airline journey, some do file complaints. There are some tips if you want to complain about the services and facilities of American Airlines, they are;

Take notes when anything goes wrong: if you find something unusual happening during the flight journey, you can always note it down or can take pictures of the object which are related to your problems. You can also note down the staff responsible for the problem.  Try to resolve the problem on spot: it is always better to solve the issue on the spot than to write it down. It will therefore maintain the intensity of your problems. You can convey it to the staff members or even their supervisor.  Write a good complaint: writing a complaint with good grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization is often considered a good complaint. Writing the complaint aggressively and shortly is a sign of a bad complaint.  Be reasonable in what you demand: your complaints should be reasonable enough to be taken by the airline authorities.  Start with official channels: always make it a point to send the complaint through the airlines’ official web page. This will be mainly looked into and will be responded to on time.

American Airlines will respond to a customer’s complaints within 60 days. It says that American Airline will acknowledge the complaint within 30 days and will respond to the complaints within 60 days. 

Some common complaints of American Airlines are: 

Unstable fluctuations of prices: the fare of the airline might change during the middle of the booking. Many people are complaining about how the prices change immediately after they mentioned all their information. Does not compensate for canceled flights: the canceled flights are not compensated with any meals or hostel stay. The passengers are also dealt with rude customer service and they do not provide any other benefit to passengers.  Delayed flights: delayed flights often bring the problem to most adults and other working professionals. They tend to have delays in their daily schedule due to this. Delayed flights are also not compensated with anything.  No refund provided: this happens rarely, but some of the complaints mention the refund not being provided to canceled flights. In addition to not providing any compensation, the price of the canceled flight ticket is not refunded to uninterested passengers.  Worsened customer service: this occurred after the pandemic period when the usual customers started getting poor treatment from the airline authority which thereby decreased the demand to take American Airline for traveling.  Missing baggage: this can be one of the frequent complaints received by most passengers. They often lose their expensive goods and other valuables. Passengers blame it on the carelessness done by the airline staff.  The airline does not provide desired seats: the airline charges an additional charge to provide desired seats to the passengers. They charge even for assigning two seats together.  Staffs are rude: this is a complaint put forward by the majority of people. The staffs in both airlines and the airport are rude to their passengers. They are also verbally abusive to the passengers.  Not providing an ideal facility for the disabled: There are 217 complaints under this issue. People having a physical injury or any other disabilities are treated inefficiently. They are also not provided with additional treatment which is a mandatory thing to do.  Advertising issues: many advertisements might not be applicable in reality. The passengers often get irritated and consider this a scam done by the American Airlines Company.  


Having a complaint about any service is usual. It is because almost all companies are not perfectly functioning. But posing a complaint in a well-mannered, obedient way is the right way to the complaint. Your complaint should be on time. The mode of language used should not have any taboo and disrespecting words. This will therefore make your complaints look valuable. The problems are solved within a few hours. There should be some rules followed even by the consumers that will result in the normal flow of these services.