World’s Dawn has been praised by PC Gamer and Indie Game Magazine for its intricate and well-written narrative. It pulls from the parts we loved in Harvest Moon and amps it up with a more in-depth story and dynamic characters. Want to see what life is like in Sugar Blossom Village? Download the seasons here and let your adventure commence. 

GameSkinny: Tell us a little about yourself as a game dev. What inspires you and how did you get into creating games?

GS: Is World’s Dawn the first game you’ve worked on, or have you collaborated with others?

A scene from Prophecy

GS: World’s Dawn has been inspired by the Harvest Moon series. What elements of Harvest Moon appealed to you, and what else motivated you for this develop this concept?

GS: Let’s dive into the story. How did you come up with the story of Sugar Blossom?

GS: We’ve read online that the writing/narrative for World’s Dawn is very unique and well-written. And you have 32 playable characters (WOW!) Where did the inspiration for these characters come from?

Filling Sugar Blossom with a ton of interesting personalities and writing them to be dynamic and relatable was extremely important to me. Each character has hundreds of lines of conditional dialogue, meaning they actually react to whatever is going on in town. You can talk to any Sugar Blossom villager 10 times in a row and get 10 different responses, ranging from comments on the weather to observations on your choice of outfit to random musings on the state of the village.

GS: What obstacles do you face in working on this game alone? Do you prefer it, or would you rather have a team?

GS: When did this project initially begin and what motivates you to keep working on it?

GS: While scrolling through some gameplay, we noticed some of your art resembles the 2D Pokémon games, in a great way. Did that vibe serve as an inspiration to you for your art style?

GS: If you had to sum up World’s Dawn in one promoting sentence, what would you say?

GS: It is our understanding that this game is available for free download on the PC. Do you plan on sending it in to Steam, or any other online places to be available for sale?

GS: Lastly, anything else you would like us to know about this project or Wayward Prophet as a studio?