GameSkinny: Most of Extinction revolves around fighting giant ogres known as Ravenii. Why were ogres chosen specifically as the main enemy of the game?

GS: What were the inspirations for the vulture and jackal minions that follow the Ravenii, and why do they do so?

GS: The main character Avil is said to be the last of the Sentinels, due to the order degrading over time. What can you tell us about how or why this happened?

GS: It has been said that prior to the arrival of the Ravenii, humanity was constantly at war with itself. We haven’t seen any footage of the Ravenii fighting each other – is there a possibility of seeing this in the game?

GS: What is the difficulty curve for this game like? Would it be best for fans of the stylish action genre, or will it be more welcoming to all types of players?

GS: We know there are various techniques Avil can use in combat. Are there extra benefits and rewards to gain from using a variety of techniques?

EM: In the beginning of the features trailer, it is explicitly said that Extinction has no microtransactions; however, the game does have exclusive pre-order content depending on where it’s purchased from. What influenced these decisions?​

I thanked Derek for taking the time out of his busy schedule to answer my questions. Extinction will launch on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on April 10, 2018, and both physical and digital copies of the game are available to purchase. Players who pre-order Extinction will gain access to exclusive DLC depending on where they pre-order it from.