The voice behind Zelda is Patricia Summersett, a classically trained actor with a background in stage, screen, and voiceover performances. She holds a Masters of Classical Acting from The Royal Central School in London, UK and a BFA in Theatre Performance from Concordia University in Montreal. Born and raised a Yooper in Upper Michigan, Patricia is currently a dual citizen between America and Canada. Gamers will most likely recognize her vocal performances as Hope Jensen and Galina Voronina from the Assassin’s Creed games and as Ash from Rainbow Six Siege.

We got a chance to talk to Princess Zelda herself to get to know the voice behind the character and learn a little about what it was like to take part in the making of BoTW.

Credit: Andrea Hausmann

GameSkinny: As a classically trained actress, how did you get into doing voiceover work for video games?

GS: How does video game voiceover work differ from your live acting work? Does it pose different challenges?

I’ve found that acting for, and collaborating in, the world of video games has those answers built into the work. It is such a dynamic industry, it’s popping at the seams with vitality. It’s a perfect fit for me."

GS: How did you prepare for a role like Zelda, where your character hasn’t had this much of a voice before?


GS: Now that you’ve gotten your Switch and played some of the game, how does it feel to see how everything has come together?

GS: Did you expect the incredible reception that the game has received worldwide?

GS: What has been your favorite part about being the voice of Zelda

Credit: Andrea Hausmann

GS: If we want to follow your work, what performances can we look out for in the future?

*Header credit: Tristan Brand

For more Nintendo news, be sure to check out our upcoming coverage of Nintendo’s E3 announcements as the date approaches!