NetAwake is a utility that lets you wake your Macs and PCs remotely with your iPhone, handy. Take a look. The development story is interesting, it involves lots of frustration – we think the process will be improved, because right now (according to the developer).. “Development for iPhone is an incredibly difficult process, much more difficult than it needs to be. The arduous process of shipping an application for the Mac suddenly appears to be absolutely straightforward after going through this mess. I really don’t envy those companies who have staked their success to the iPhone platform. The amount of arbitrary hassle, uncertainty, and delay in the process can only feel vastly worse when your livelihood depends on it.” It begins (and thanks to Daring Fireball for this tip) “I just got my first application in the iTunes App Store, and I wanted to tell the story of what it’s like to publish one, from start to finish. The app, NetAwake, is an independent project I wrote with my friend Joshua. It makes an interesting story, I think, because unlike the sordid tale of some people’s struggle to get accepted into the iPhone developer program, my personal experience was perfectly normal. (As far as I know.) “But even a perfectly normal experience with the iPhone developer program is intensely weird. Compared to the simplicity of developing and distributing a Mac app, Apple’s iPhone program is extremely convoluted and strange. Here’s the story, step by step… Look, now go and read his story to find out what our app developers need to do to get their ideas realised and used by, well, by you – the people they build this stuff for…