Following are the names of the animals whose names start with the alphabet y:


Crustacean in Australia is known as yabby. It is considered one of the most vulnerable classes of crayfish. They have very powerful claws. It is found in dams and reservoirs.

  1. Yucatan squirrel:

It is a tree squirrel found in Southeast Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. They are the daytime squirrel. They do most of their activities in daylight and sleep at night.

Yellow-eyed penguin:

It is now regarded as the extant animal of Megadyptes. Only 4,000 animals are known to be found in a few places in New Zealand and some islands. Moreover, their length is approximately 79cm. 

Yellow-backed duiker:

It has a yellow-colored erected hair on its back that’s why it is known as yellow-backed duiker. It is widely distributed all over the world especially in West Africa.

Yellow-winged bat:

It is a false vampire bat found in Africa. They have reddish-yellow wings color. The female members of this bat family are bigger than male members. They are found in palm trees.

Yellow mongoose:

It is a small mammal found in Africa. It is also known as a red meerkat. On the hind feet, they have four toes, a tail, and a coat. It is classified the least concerned species because approximately one lac species of yellow mongoose are left.

Yellow-bellied marmot:

It is a ground squirrel with a stout body and large size. It is found in West America and Canada. They occupy those places where vegetation is absent.

Yellow-bellied weasel:

 It is a weasel found in the pine forests of Central and Eastern Asia. They eat rodents such as mice, rats, etc. they can easily see their prey because they have a good sense of hearing, smell, and sight.

Yellow-footed antechinus:

It is a shrew-like marsupial of Australia. Death due to stress is common in them. It is because of their unique type of sexual behavior found in them which make their immune system is compromised. 

 Yellow-nosed cotton rat:

It is a rodent of the family Cricetidae. It is found in various states of America such as Arizona, New Mexico, etc. it is included in the least concerned specie.

 Yellow-pine chipmunk:

It is also a rodent but belongs to another family Sciuridae. It is reddish with dark and light stripes on its surface. In the warm season, they can store excessive seeds for future use. 

 Yellow-throated marten:

It is a native martin species found in Asia. They are large in size and masculine. Their furs lack fluffiness. They are diurnal hunters. They are included in the list of species of least concerned.

 Yuma myotis:

It is a native vesper animal found in the Western part of North America. Their ears are medium in size but their feet are relatively long. In 2007, a lethal disease was found in them.

 Yorkshire terrier:

It is a small dog breed found in England. For families without kids, it is the best option as a pet. But for homes with small kids, it cannot be kept as a pet. 

 Yellow-billed hornbill:

It is a hornbill of South Africa. It is medium in size with a huge beak. They are found in warm places. They eat beetles, termites, caterpillars, and grasshoppers. 

 Yacare caiman:

   It is an ancient animal found in South America. They are brown with blotches on their surface. Their skin is used for leather that’s why they are widely hunted. They are the least concerned specie.


It is a year-old animal like sheep, foal, etc. they are younger members of their families. They are usually less than two years of age. So, they are not used for riding purposes.

 Yellow-necked field mouse:

It resembles a wood mouse but is different from it. They are found in various areas of Europe and Asia. They are often preyed on by foxes, predators, and weasels.

 Yellow-footed rock wallaby:

It is found in different areas of Australia such as South Australia and Queensland. In this class, kangaroos and wallaroos are included. They are greyish with stripes present on their body.


It is a domestic ox that is found in Siberia, Mongolia, Yunnan, Myanmar, and Gilgit-Baltistan. They have long hairs on its body. They are known to be friendly with people around. 


In a nutshell, it is concluded that there exist a plethora of animals whose names start with y. Most of them are found in cold areas of the world such as America and Canada. Some of the animals whose names start with y are yak, yellowjacket, yacare caiman, yearling, and yellow-necked field mouse. This characterization is very beneficial because it helps zoologists to place this huge number of animals in alphabetical order. So, many animals are named according to the first alphabet for the best of all.

Are yaks extinct?

Yaks are not extinct species.

Are animals placed in alphabetical order other than y?

All animals are characterized according to the starting alphabet of their names.